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Family Lamiaceae (labia) includes a large number of cosmopolitan speciesincluding Thymus alpestris (Thyme) characterized by the presence of essential oilsand phenolic compounds. It represents a perennial semi-shrubby plant. Theantioxidant potential of thyme is due to the presence of polyphenolic acids andflavonoids. The topic of this paper is the e...

By Ljubica Vasiljević, Mirjana Beribaka, Jelena Vulinović, Slađana Petronić

22.12.2017. Professional paper
Managing of the production performance

Today, most companies face numerous problems that are the result of events in a modern business environment. Failure in business can lead to disappointment with both managers and other employees. This paper presents a conceptual framework for enterprise resource management. From the prerequisites of production through the engagement of production f...

By Zoran Jokić, Jelena Jevtić

By applying the Lipinski’s rule for selected cyanoacetamide derivatives the possible existence of biological activity is theoretically investigated. Alos,using appropriate software packages and applying reverse-phase thin-layer chromatography (RP TLC18 F254s) in water-t-butanol, water-dimethylformamide and water-dimethylsulfoxide the lipophil...

By Suzana Apostolov, Đenđi Vaštag

Nanotechnology is a science field that includes research and applications carried out in the sphere of below 100 nanometers. Nanofood is the result of the usage of nanotechnology in food production, processing, and packaging. The paper presents results of a pilot study on perceptions of nanotechnology and its use in food production. A questionnaire...

By Urša Kogovšek, Boris Kovač, Katarina Babnik

In this work, the design and usage of biosorbents made of apricot shells (Prunus armeniaca L.), Na-alginate and bentonite, for heavy metals removal from wastewaters, were investigated. The effect of particle size on the biosorption process, were investigate and the smallest fraction, was immobilized in Na-alginate. Immobilization had a positive eff...

By Tatjana Šoštarić, Marija Petrović, Zorica Lopićić, Jelena Petrović, Jelena Milojković, Marija Mihajlović, Mirjana Stojanović

The methods of analysis in forensic must be reliable in order for the results of the analysis to be accepted as evidence in court proceedings. The reliability of methods is checked through the validation process, which should be performed before introducing a method into the routine practice of the laboratory. This paper describes the procedure for...

By Mirjana Dragoljić, Vesna Matić, Ljiljana Simurdić

The objectives of this study were to develop and validate the mathematicalmodel (kinetic and reactor model) of composting process, as well to usedvalidated model in order investigate the effects of the air flow rate on organicmatter conversion, carbon dioxide concentration and mixture temperature. Themathematical model incorporated two microbial po...

By Nesib Mustafić, Ivan Petrić, Ervin Karić

22.12.2017. Original scientific paper
Air-thermal oxidation of zirconium

Zirconium is one of those few metals which are capable of dissolving relativelylarge quantities of oxygen. When heated in air at elevated temperatures, anoxide layer is built up at the metal surface. The oxidation of mechanicallypolished zirconium was studied in the range 500-900oC in air atmosphere, attemperature intervals of 100oC, for exposure t...

By Zagorka Koneska, Ružica Manojlović, Dafinka Stoevska-Gogovska

Groundwater, as the mainresource of drinking water in the Republic of Srpska, is sometimes neglected regarding quality monitoring. It is especiallya characteristic of rural water supply sources as autonomous waterworks, individual intakes and wells. For the first time comprehensive analyses of the groundwater quality in rural areas of Srebrenica mu...

By Boban Jolović, Andrijana Stevanović, Maja Nogić

Explosive substances are very important compounds from the point of manufacture, storage, transport and use. Research and development of secondary explosives in the previous time is intensified in order to obtain improved explosive materials is physical, chemical and explosive characteristics. One of the directions of development are research in th...

By Saša Mićin