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U ovom radu je izvršena sinteza šest estarskih derivata 2,6 dimetil-4-supstituisane-1,4-dihidropiridin-3,5-dikarboksilne kiseline: dietil-2,6-dimetil-4-fenil-1,4-dihidropiridin-3,5 dikarboksilata, dietil-2,6-dimetil-4-(3’-nitrofenil)-1,4 dihidropiridin-3,5-dikarboksilata, dietil-2,6-dimetil-4-(4’ nitrofenil)-1,4-dihidropir...

By Tamara Mijatović, Milica Perić, Luka Matović, Marija Ristović, Saša Drmanić

Among cereals, maize has the highest content of bioavailable micronutrients in grain, particularly β-carotene and α-tocopherol, which makes this crop the most appropriate for biofortification. Great genetic variability is a valuable source of micronutrients, and genotypes with enhanced grain content could be used for improvement of comme...

By Violeta Anđelković, Jelena Masarović, Mirjana Srebrić, Snežana Mladenović Drinić

The study aimed to evaluate the effect of black sesame andflaxseed flour addition in different proportions on bread quality.The bread formulations were developed through the RotationalCentral Composite Design (RCCD). The independent variableswere: black sesame and flaxseed flour which incorporated inamounts from 25.85% to 54.15%. The effect of the ...

By Rafael Audino Zambelli, Luan Ícaro Freitas Pinto, Edilberto Cordeiro dos Santos Junior, Ana Carolina Viana de Lima, Mayara Lima Goiana, Luciana Gama de Mendonça, Bárbara Guerra Rodrigues

Biopolymers have the ability to absorb large amounts of water or biological fluids. They are swelling and forming hydrogels. Thanks to this, they have found a variety of applications, and among others they can be used to remove some metal ions from the water. Due to its unique structure and exceptional rheological characteristics, microbiological b...

By Ida Zahović, Zorana Rončević, Jelena Dodić, Jovana Grahovac, Siniša Dodić

Nanotechnology is a science field that includes research and applications carried out in the sphere of below 100 nanometers. Nanofood is the result of the usage of nanotechnology in food production, processing, and packaging. The paper presents results of a pilot study on perceptions of nanotechnology and its use in food production. A questionnaire...

By Urša Kogovšek, Boris Kovač, Katarina Babnik

The methods of analysis in forensic must be reliable in order for the results of the analysis to be accepted as evidence in court proceedings. The reliability of methods is checked through the validation process, which should be performed before introducing a method into the routine practice of the laboratory. This paper describes the procedure for...

By Mirjana Dragoljić, Vesna Matić, Ljiljana Simurdić

In this paper the authors have developed and implemented a HACCP plan for the production process of fermented milk products, as exemplified in the yogurt sample. Hazard analysis included 241 hazard, of which 99 hazard can be eliminated and prevented their occurrence, by taking timely preventive measures. The HACCP system is necessary to apply for t...

By Danica Savanović, Brane Novaković, Danijela Močević

The aim of this study was to determine the composting kinetics for mixture ofpoultry manure and wheat straw based on the volatile solids content.Experimental data was fitted with the first-order and the nth-order kinetic model.The nth-order kinetic model showed better prediction performance than the firstorderkinetic model. For the first-order kine...

By Ervin Karić, Ivan Petrić, Nesib Mustafić

Slideway oils have application in many industries, such as automotive, food, beverage, packaging, and considerable amount is used in small machinery workshops. Market analyses have shown that most common viscosity grade is ISO VG 68, followed by ISO VG 220. Because water soluble metal working fluids come in contact with slideway oils, purpose of th...

By Marica Dugić, Branko Despotović, Novak Damjanović, Pero Dugić

Explosive substances are very important compounds from the point of manufacture, storage, transport and use. Research and development of secondary explosives in the previous time is intensified in order to obtain improved explosive materials is physical, chemical and explosive characteristics. One of the directions of development are research in th...

By Saša Mićin