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Global Warming Potential – GWP is an agreed quantity which enables determination of an individual green-house gas effect on a global warming process. GWP quantity illustrates how a unit mass of an observed gas contributes to increase of global warming more than an unique mass of CO2, during certain period of time. The paper shows gases and su...

By Božidarka Arsenović, Zoran Janjuš, Emil Banjac

Non-conventional separation procedure - supercritical fluid CO2 extraction (SFE-CO2) conforms to the strict demands of the precise process eco-technologies. It represents a perspective method especially in obtaining eco-friendly extracts from vegetable and animal raw materials. The influence of operating parameters (raw material’ granula...

By Kiril Lisichkov, Stefan Kuvendziev

30.12.2011. Review article

Energy is now one of the most important components of development and functioning of the economy and society in general. The development of civilization use different energy sources – fossil fuels and other energy sources like wind and water that are used to drive windmills, water mills and boats. Many countries begin the rationalization of e...

By Velimir Šćekić, Saša Pušica, Sanja Marković

Sage with different degrees of fragmentation was extracted at the plant for extraction of gases under pressure (HPEP, Nova Swiss, Switzerland). Plant material - drug consisted of dried leaves of sage (Salviae folium), collected from harvested wild plants after flowering (Salvia officinalis L.) in the region of Trebinje during 2007. year. The initia...

By Vladan Mićić, Milovan Jotanović, Vladimir Damjanović, Žika Lepojević, Branko Pejović

It is well known that the exposition to air and weather markedly enhances derogation of all artifacts. In this report, the contribution of light (particularly sunlight) to marked speed-up of the oxidation and other changes by exposition to atmosphere will be analyzed. Five major mechanisms of the effect of insolation can be identified: 1. First is ...

By Ivan Juranić

Traditional starters are used for different types of cheese, a mixed associations of microorganisms. The mixed starters contain more species and strains of bacteria isolated from traditional starters. Depending on the type of cheese are produced, they prevail mesophilous bacteria: Leuconostoc lactis ssp lactis and Leuconostoc lactis ssp cremoris, s...

By Toni Bogojevski

This paper presents the results of the impact of basic additives in the process of heating (calcinations) of industrial aluminum hydroxide and the formation of the final stable phase α- Al2O3. The influence of additives have been focused on the result of the impact, ie. on the kinetics of crystallization of α-Al2O3, and the comparative ...

By Mitar Perušić, Zoran Obrenović, Miladin Gligorić

Preparation of samples by microwave technique consists of large number of phases, from taking samples till receiving homogeneous solution for instrumental analysis. Samples preparation can include combination of drying, wetting, extraction, digestion, analytic separation and solvent removing. The analysis of content of heavy metals in potato from B...

By M. B. Rajković, I. D. Sredović, S. R. Milojković, D. V. Tošković, D. D. Stanojević

Chemical inertness and physical properties like adequate gas barrier, transparency, light weight and good recyclability, have made poly(ethylene therephtalate) (PET) particularly suitable in food packaging applications, especially in beverages and drinking water. However, several studies have shown the presence of compounds not expected a priori in...

By Dragica Chamovska, Daniela Lazova, Toma Grchev, Maja Cvetkovska

Retention behavior of some N-(4-phenylsubstituted)-2,3-diphenylpropanamides was investigated on reversed phase thin layer chromatography (RP-C18). Retention constants of investigated compounds were determined in the following solvent systems: water-ethanol, watern-propanol and water-i-propanol. Linear relationships were obtained between retention, ...

By Dj. Vaštag, N. Perišić - Janjić, S. Apostolov, S. Petrovic