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Review article

Theoretical support of modern issues related to laser techniques, applications of coherent radiation and modern technologies

Milesa Srećković ,
Milesa Srećković

Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade , Belgrade , Serbia

Svetlana Pelemiš ,
Svetlana Pelemiš
Contact Svetlana Pelemiš

Faculty of Technology Zvornik, University of East Sarajevo , Lukavica , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Stanko Ostojć ,
Stanko Ostojć

Department ofTraffic, Mechanical Engineering andProtection Engineering, Academy of Technical VocationalStudies Belgrade , Belgrade , Serbia

Sanja Jevtić ,
Sanja Jevtić

Academy of Technical and Art Applied Studies, Schoolof Railway Studies , Belgrade , Serbia

Slađana Pantelić ,
Slađana Pantelić

Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade , Belgrade , Serbia

Miloš Đurić ,
Miloš Đurić

Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade , Belgrade , Serbia

Branka Kaluđerović ,
Branka Kaluđerović

Institute of Nuclear Physics, University of Belgrade , Belgrade , Serbia

Zoran Latinović ,
Zoran Latinović
Contact Zoran Latinović

Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade , Belgrade , Serbia

Nada Ratković Kovačević
Nada Ratković Kovačević

Department of Computer-Machine Engineering, Academy of Applied Technical Studies , Belgrade , Serbia


Modern problems of the Earth’s population are increasing in the areas related to the basic concepts of survival of living beings, but also with opposite views, if parallels are made between energy and ecology. Many new technologies are searching for their way towards development and must be viewed from several points of view. In this paper, the issue is addressed through modern laser techniques in terms of obtaining energy for various purposes concerning selected roles in medicine, as well as the impact on flora, fauna and as a support to other technologies both classical and modern. Contemporary attributes of lasers and other quantum generators in terms of coherence, power and intensity densities have significantly increased, although some predictions from the time of the first quantum generator masers, like gammarasers (and X raser) are still relatively far from commercial concepts. Some of the possible contemporary implementations of quantum generators in measurements control and processing schemes, along with other possible applications of various laser types, have been estimated. The paper focuses on the characterization of today’s problems with Covid-19 virus, only from the engineering point of view. The lexical side of the issue is also included, as well as the social management needs with the application of modern technologies, including help from natural sciences.


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