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Cereal crops as a basic food for humans, little is used as a grain, but with millingthey are processed in the milling products: flour, meal, flakes and bran.Determining the content of some ingredients, such as protein, ash, wet gluten,fat, etc. in food products is important because they are present in the rawmaterials and final products. The import...

By Marija Menkinoska, Vinko Stanoev, Valentina Pavlova, Tatijana Blazevska, Victorija Stamatovska, Natasa Gjorgovska

Groundwater, as the mainresource of drinking water in the Republic of Srpska, is sometimes neglected regarding quality monitoring. It is especiallya characteristic of rural water supply sources as autonomous waterworks, individual intakes and wells. For the first time comprehensive analyses of the groundwater quality in rural areas of Srebrenica mu...

By Boban Jolović, Andrijana Stevanović, Maja Nogić

Biopolymers have the ability to absorb large amounts of water or biological fluids. They are swelling and forming hydrogels. Thanks to this, they have found a variety of applications, and among others they can be used to remove some metal ions from the water. Due to its unique structure and exceptional rheological characteristics, microbiological b...

By Ida Zahović, Zorana Rončević, Jelena Dodić, Jovana Grahovac, Siniša Dodić

The topic of this paper is testing corrosion stability of electrodeposited Zn-Mn coatings by using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (SEI). The coatings were deposited galvanostatically on a 3x3 cm steel. 99.99% pure zinc was used as the anode. The electrodeposition was carried out from four chloride solutions. Solution 1 was without manganese...

By Marija Riđošić

In this paper the authors have developed and implemented a HACCP plan for the production process of fermented milk products, as exemplified in the yogurt sample. Hazard analysis included 241 hazard, of which 99 hazard can be eliminated and prevented their occurrence, by taking timely preventive measures. The HACCP system is necessary to apply for t...

By Danica Savanović, Brane Novaković, Danijela Močević

The aim of this study was to determine the composting kinetics for mixture ofpoultry manure and wheat straw based on the volatile solids content.Experimental data was fitted with the first-order and the nth-order kinetic model.The nth-order kinetic model showed better prediction performance than the firstorderkinetic model. For the first-order kine...

By Ervin Karić, Ivan Petrić, Nesib Mustafić

Based on relations for the maximum work at the closed thermodynamic system, the paper presents implementation of a general model for determining the minimum storage volume for compressed air. Due to the mechanical and thermodynamic imbalance of observed model, there are the conditions for obtaining the maximum work. Derived relations, which represe...

By Mitar Perušić, Branko Pejović, Radislav Filipović, Milenko Smiljanić, Mirko Radić

In the current study a ternary Cu-Ge-Sb system has been experimentally assessed. Chemical andphase compositions of the alloy samples from three vertical sections Cu-GeSb, Ge-CuSb and Sb-CuGe were studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy(EDS) and confirmed by X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD). Hardness of th...

By Dejan Gurešić, Aleksandar Đorđević, Aleksandar Marković, Milica Tomović, Nadežda Talijan, Ivana Manasijević

The fruit of plane trees is used to obtain the powdered activated carbon. As the activating agent is used in the preparation of concentrated phosphoric acid. Completed the equilibrium adsorption of cationic methylene blue dye in the synthesized material. These results were fitted with three adsorption equilibrium model. The experimental results wer...

By Vladimir Dodevski, Branka Kaluđerović, Sanja Krstić, Đuro Čokeša, Danijela Brković

A reliable operation of the equipment is primarily important for each installation. One of the measures of safe operation steam-boiler systems is purity pipes. Very acceptable method of determining the soiling pipe is a method of staining.In this paper is described the determination of soiling boiler tubes in power plant Ugljevik after a decade of ...

By Bosiljka Stojanović