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In this study, Bayesian technique was applied in order toestimate export coefficients for the Melen Watershed.Furthermore, instead of calculating the contributions ofsubwatersheds individually, the whole watershed was consideredfor the estimation of the total load at the outlet of the MelenWatershed using the calculated nitrate export coefficient. ...

By Muhammed Ernur Akıner

Ciprofloxacin, CFL is a drug that belongs to the second generation of fluoroquinolone antibiotics with a wide range of effects on Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. The aim of this work was to investigate the interaction of CFL as ligand with divalent biological cations (Mn2+, Ni2+ and Co2+) in approximate physiological conditions. Synthesiz...

By Emir Horozić, Amira Cipurković, Zahida Ademović, Demir Bjelošević, Amila Zukić, Lamija Kolarević, Darja Husejnagić, Snježana Hodžić

The study aimed to evaluate the effect of black sesame andflaxseed flour addition in different proportions on bread quality.The bread formulations were developed through the RotationalCentral Composite Design (RCCD). The independent variableswere: black sesame and flaxseed flour which incorporated inamounts from 25.85% to 54.15%. The effect of the ...

By Rafael Audino Zambelli, Luan Ícaro Freitas Pinto, Edilberto Cordeiro dos Santos Junior, Ana Carolina Viana de Lima, Mayara Lima Goiana, Luciana Gama de Mendonça, Bárbara Guerra Rodrigues

Dietary fiber obtained from by-products of food industries acts as a potential functional food ingredient and used in baking, beverages and meat products. Soybean, a rich source of plant protein is a suitable substitute to dairy milk. Processing of soy milk leaves behind large quantities of fiber, which could be incorporated in food formulation as ...

By Bhavya S. N., Jamuna Prakash

While a liquid is dripping out of a capillary tube, there is a possibility to affect the characteristics of the exiting flow in certain ways. One of the ways already used is by introducing an electric field that can be used to change the average droplet diameter and the droplet size distribution. This process is called electrospraying, while the th...

By Stefan Bošković, Branko Bugarski

U ovom radu je izvršena sinteza šest estarskih derivata 2,6 dimetil-4-supstituisane-1,4-dihidropiridin-3,5-dikarboksilne kiseline: dietil-2,6-dimetil-4-fenil-1,4-dihidropiridin-3,5 dikarboksilata, dietil-2,6-dimetil-4-(3’-nitrofenil)-1,4 dihidropiridin-3,5-dikarboksilata, dietil-2,6-dimetil-4-(4’ nitrofenil)-1,4-dihidropir...

By Tamara Mijatović, Milica Perić, Luka Matović, Marija Ristović, Saša Drmanić

Yttrium belongs to the rare earth elements and critical metals.Yttrium oxide is mostly used in fluoroscent lamps, production ofelectrodes, in electronic filters, lasers, superconductors and asadditives in various titanium-aluminium materials to improve theirproperties. Recovery of yttrium oxide from secondary sourcessuch as red mud, coatings from c...

By Srećko Stopić, Sebastian Kallabis, Bernd Friedrich

The paper presents relation for maximal pressure-volume work for closed systems by using principles of I and II law of thermodynamics, used in reversible processes in which mechanical and thermal balance has been achieved. For full interpretation of this problem for two characteristic cases, graphical review in p-v diagram is given, where in an obv...

By Branko Pejović, Mitar Perušić, Duško Kostić, Miladin Gligorić

The role of the materials used for packaging is to protect innercontent from external, mostly negative, factors. Besides beingsafe, and with good mechanical properties, these materials needto align with other consumers’ needs and demands, being bothattractive and authentic, while at the same time meetingecological requirements. Gelatin-based ...

By Filip Babić, Bojana Balanč, Nikola Milašinović

Among cereals, maize has the highest content of bioavailable micronutrients in grain, particularly β-carotene and α-tocopherol, which makes this crop the most appropriate for biofortification. Great genetic variability is a valuable source of micronutrients, and genotypes with enhanced grain content could be used for improvement of comme...

By Violeta Anđelković, Jelena Masarović, Mirjana Srebrić, Snežana Mladenović Drinić