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Original scientific paper

Estimation of antioxidative potential of thyme (Thymus alpestris L.)

Ljubica Vasiljević ,
Ljubica Vasiljević
Contact Ljubica Vasiljević

Faculty of Technology, University of East Sarajevo, Lukavica, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Mirjana Beribaka ,
Mirjana Beribaka

Faculty of Technology, University of East Sarajevo, Lukavica, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Jelena Vulinović ,
Jelena Vulinović

Faculty of Technology, University of East Sarajevo, Lukavica, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Slađana Petronić
Slađana Petronić

Faculty of Agriculture, University of East Sarajevo, Lukavica, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Family Lamiaceae (labia) includes a large number of cosmopolitan speciesincluding Thymus alpestris (Thyme) characterized by the presence of essential oilsand phenolic compounds. It represents a perennial semi-shrubby plant. Theantioxidant potential of thyme is due to the presence of polyphenolic acids andflavonoids. The topic of this paper is the extraction of thyme (Thymus alpestris)with 40% ethanol and 50% ethanol, using Soxhlet method (circulatoryextraction), after which, the content of phenolics and flavonoids was determinedin order to confirm the antioxidant potential of this plant species. The resultsshow that 40% ethanol extract has the highest content of phenolics andflavonoids and the highest antioxidant potential, resultingly.


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