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The recent I-U measurements on the individual micro needle-shaped crystals, of the ternary mixed valence compound In5Se5Cl, crystallizing in the monoclinic crystal system (P21/m), showed significant light sensitivities. Micro needles of In5Se5Cl “glued” on Si- and Cu- substrates were measured under five different wavelengths with variou...

By Kledi Xhaxhiu, Carita Kvarnström, Pia Damlin, Arjan Korpa, Klaus Bente

This paper presents the results of tests perception of business environment and barriers to business by attitudes of entrepreneurs in local communities. It is well known that general region of the Balkan countries, is faced with the problem of the lack of investment as well as domestic and foreign direct investment. One of the major causes of cours...

By Mitar Perušić, Miladin Gligorić, Radislav Filipović

For the prediction of formation of non-ferrous processing and accumulating waste both model of balancing and model of correlation and regression analysis can be employed, while the dynamic model can be applied only for the accumulating waste. Estimates of the formation of certain type of metallic secondary raw materials in model of balancing are ba...

By Miroslav Sokić, Ilija Ilić, Zvonko Gulišija, Željko Kamberović, Nada Štrbac, Vaso Manojlović

Reduction of fossil - iscrpljivih, but also non-renewable, fuels and increased concentrations of greenhouse gases on a global scale, have led to rapid development of alternative energy sources, resulting in the use of solar energy occupies an important role in the production of energy from renewable sources. The paper presents the system and method...

By Velimir Šćekić

In this paper the content of metal in drinking water was determined in two samples, one from 2008 and other from 2010, by the indirect method based on the analysis of scale, which had originally been suggested by Rajkovic and associates. Received results confirmed that drinking water according to the metal content was of constant level (metals are ...

By Miloš Rajković, Mirjana Stojanović, Maja Eremić Savković, Uroš Lačnjevac, Dragan Tošković

Meat is very important ingredients in the human diet, so it is a source of easily digestible, biological and energy valuable components. Therefore, this paper investigate the influence of temperature in the temperature range from 51°C to 100°C and different methods of thermal processing, thermal treatment by cooking and roasting, to change ...

By Radoslav Grujić, Dragan Vujadinović, Vladimir Tomović

Coffee is one of the most popular beverages worldwide. Consumption of black coffee brew, which is prepared in traditional way is characteristic for this region. Consumer expectations in terms of quality and sensory characteristics of beverages can significantly affect on the acceptability of coffee. The aim of this study was to investigate the qual...

By Natalija Džinić, Marija Jokanović, Božana Odžaković, Slavica Grujić

31.12.2012. Original scientific paper

Efflorescence is a crystalline deposit of water soluble salts on the surface of ceramic masonry. In most cases, efflorescence can be removed by various cleaning methods depending on the chemistry of the crystalline deposit. But this, sometimes, may even worse the problem. Therefore, it would be most desirable to minimize or to prevent the effloresc...

By Jozefita Marku, Kozeta Vaso

Marigold (Calendula officinalis L.) defined the particle size was extracted using 40, 50 and 60% ethanol as a solvent by classical procedure of maceration. The kinetics of extraction by given ethanol concentrations in relation to drug:solvent = 1:10 was studied. The quantity of total substances (q0, g/100g drugs), and the quantity of the residue su...

By Vladimir Damjanović, Vladan Mićić, Žika Lepojević

31.12.2012. Original scientific paper

High concentrations of sulfide in (cumulative) tannery wastewater are the direct cause of very high toxicity of this effluent. Therefore it is necessary to remove this pollutant by the oxidation process. Hydrogen-peroxide is the oxidizing agent, which increasingly acts as an "environment friendly" due to multiple uses for purification, detoxificati...

By Ljiljana Vukić