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3D model of a Monolithic Honeycomb Adsorber for Electric Swing Adsorption for Carbon Dioxide Capture

Ivana Đukic ,
Ivana Đukic

NIS, Pancevo Refinery, Pancevo, Serbia

Marija Ječmenica Dučić ,
Marija Ječmenica Dučić
Contact Marija Ječmenica Dučić

Department of Physical Chemistry, “VINČA” Institute of Nuclear Sciences - National Institute of thе Republic of Serbia, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia

Nikola Nikačević ,
Nikola Nikačević

Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia

Menka Petkovska
Menka Petkovska

Department of Chemical Engineering,4 Karnegijeva, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia


The goal of this work was to develop a 3D model of Electric Swing Adsorption pro- cess for carbon dioxide capture from effluent gasses from power plants. Detailed 3D model of the composite honeycomb monolithic adsorber was developed for a sin- gle monolith channel and can be used to simulate and represent different physical properties: velocity, concentration and temperature. The advantage of this model is the fact that all physical properties and results can be presented visually in the 3D domain. COMSOL Multiphysics software was used for solving partial differential equations and simulations of adsorption and electrothermal desorption processes. Some simulation results are presented in this work. The results obtained from 3D simulations will be used for the adsorber model reduction to the 1D model which will be used for modeling and optimization of the whole ESA cycle due to its sim- plicity and computational demands. Simulation and optimization runs based on the 1D model will be performed in g-Proms software.


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